Monday 8 August 2011

dOn'T bE sTuCk aT yOuR jOb!!!!

Okay.. writing all of it down..god!! it's really far fetched and I have absolutely no idea why am I even bothering. But I think it's one of those days, when you have nothing to do and then you realize..Ohh yess!! I have a blog and I have an audience. Well!! not really a million people..but 2 out of 3 people following may read it.

I guess this is the most R-andom thing I'm about to write. But as I go on thinking, I've this thought about my childhood. Its the time when imagination goes really wild.. and you can be anybody. Teacher, Doctor, Scientist, Businessman, Engineer, Actor, Lawyer.

I remember when we are kids we are asked what exactly would we like to become when we grow up. I never said it out loud- But I wanted to be a chef!! HAHAHA!!!!
I cant believe I actually wrote that down-for people to read. Its not really cooking that intrigued me but it was cooking shows that had me in total grip!!! I don't remember missing any cookery shows with these fancy kitchens and all sorts of modern cooking equipment.

I wanted to become a chef-not for getting to cook but for getting to work in such expensive modular kitchens which were a heaven for a child like me. I'd worship it back then. And also these chefs used to name exotic herbs and spices to be used- which had me in total awe!!

I've always had a thing for the butcher's knife. My desire to become a chef had nothing to do with cooking. Infact if given an option, I'd never cook- but I guess there must be a thing called "I-like-watching-someone-cook-but-I-don't-like-doing-it-myself".

People make a career out of their hobby- but it plainly wasn't my hobby. If you can make a career out of watching cookery shows, I might stand a chance.
I thinks its possible- liking a certain thing and watching someone do it, But not really picturing yourself do it. As a child, everybody wants to be on TV- but I don't picture myself there. I like watching people click pictures-but I don't like featuring in it myself.
When I was little, I wanted to be a lot of things- a singer (though I am a terrible singer) a dancer( no training- well I'm trained in wedding dances, if it counts :P ) an actor( no formal training- a nautanki at heart!!) a teacher( though I hate to admit- I always thought this is what girly-girls did-teach. Anyways I'd become a teacher-minus-patience-to-explain-again.)

And now when we are finally on our actual way to becoming something. Yes!! its that time when career decisions are made and its just working towards all of it- I halt and think- am I actually stupid enough to think that I'll survive this industry. I'm currently doing B.A(H) Journalism. I want to get into print. But then I think about these wonderful writers who are much more creative than me- have a better command over the language- full of innovative ideas- and much better than me in every way!! But I don't know..maybe I will, maybe I won't. But I'll sure as hell take it up as a challenge. So for now.. Its cheers to everybody who is following their dreams( childhood or otherwise) May we all succeed!!!

And there are people who need to thank me- I did not become a singer- I prevented music companies from shutting down.
I didnot become an actor- I saved people the millions of bucks they'd spend on me to cast me in their flick!! :P
I did not become a dancer- I saved organizers the money to repair stages when it broke.
I didnot become a chef- To save people's life- stop killing people from food poisoning.
I did not become a teacher- To save innocent lives from being ruined. :)

Well I didnot become any of the above- Because there are millions of people who'd do a better job at it than me. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO- OTHERWISE YOU'RE STUCK IN THE WRONG JOB SUITED FOR SOMEBODY ELSE.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

hOmE CoMiNg!!!

We all have that ONE song- that adds the WOW factor to you and your life. It defines you, your priorities in life, your mistakes in life and the trials and errors you go through along the way. It syncs in perfectly with YOU. Isn't it amazing, how another person miles away from you, writing this song is feeling exactly the same-maybe not coz interpretations may vary but that hardly is the point.!! You never can get bored of it and its just a always repeat song in the playlist.

No matter how boring the others might find it but nobody can relate to the song as you do- because, frankly no one else can live your life the way you do. It hardly matters what language its in- English, Hindi, Tamil, Telegu, Spanish, French or gibberish- but its you. 

I may not be an expert in the technicalities involved with music but do you think I care!!!! It belongs to me!!!!. And yes, I hate it when people actually criticize it for not being technically correct. It's like saying I hate you like I hate you on my face!! And those people can rot in hell!!!

And yes..coming to the song.. Its called..Back to Tennessee by Billy Ray Cyrus. I agree that he might not be the most celebrated name in the music industry and not made millions like the others and might have had millions of hate groups to his name but I love him for making the song. 

The song truly makes you introspect at who you actually are, and where is that taking you in this life. We run after all material things possible but choose to ignore the little things in life that actually determine who we are. I may sound  philosophical..Godd!!! listen to me...!! I'm actually saying this stuff.!! Out loud!!!! and I hate to admit that it's true!!

The song brings in a lot of homecoming feel to it. You stay away from family, friends to earn a living in the big city- city life with it's ruthless people who never wish to see you succeed- you make money or you don't- you find love and you lose love-you are heartbroken or you back stab- you do everything it takes to succeed- to make it happen- to see yourself through. But when it's time to go home-to real family and real friends, you realize what life has actually made you. With your real mates, you don't have to pretend. It's just you like you've always been. Big city life actually makes you realize that nobody in the world is yours. When life gives you stand alone!! No amount of money can repay the people you back stabbed, the people you turned your back on in their times of need, the trust you broke and hearts that broke with it.

It tells you..there is actually no comfort in this world except the true love that you left back home!! The love that was pure and selfless-expecting nothing in return. So I guess, it's time to go HOME- to a place where love is, to a place where friendship is, to a place where FAMILY is.

The song might be written for Tennessee but it could easily qualify to where ever you live, to where ever your heart belongs. For all those people who live away from home- for education or work, its time to COME BACK HOME TO PEOPLE YOU LOVE!!!!

I am so sure.. you have an absolutely wonderful song to share too...would love to know yours :)

PS- For lyrics, which is absolutely mind boggling , click here.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

I tExT yOu!!

We all fall in love once, twice, thrice or multiple times in our life. It's either the utter romantic rubbish of LOVE-AT-FIRST-SIGHT or a 'just friends' tag that develops into something much more elaborate than just friendship or it might even be an arranged affair that materializes into love.

The feeling is very vividly expressed in books and movies. And whenever someone like me, thinks about love- I definitely DO NOT picture running around trees and dancing on a grand stage with a 100 dancers in perfectly synchronized steps on a super-romantic melody or for that matter- a flowy gown with perfect hair and jewelery does not fit my kind of love. I might fit better into Pajama- lover :) :P

But my love can take a backseat. So back to where we began. What do you do when you are absolutely sure of the person who is your kinda person- your soul mate ( for that duration- because it's a heavy word). Well, there comes in play the complex art of PROPOSING.

The age old jumping onto the girl's balcony- climbing up the vine is not such a good idea, if the girl's dad finds might be climbing up the stairs to heaven (or hell- as it might suit you). How about going down on your knees- aaawwiieee!!! my first reaction, but it can turn quite embarrassing if you have turned a blind eye to how shy a girl is and how would she react to such an open exclamation of love. And yes, before you go out and go down on your knees in front of a out-spoken and bold girl who you hardly know( and who does not like you)-a slap on the face seems likely.

Proposing always reveals tonnes about how and to what extent a guy loves you- and if its real. But with the advent of technology and all gizmos and gadgets, ways such as going down on your knees and wild and open exclamations of love, though utterly romantic- have gone out of the box. It's been replaced by texting and chatting. I'm no figures person- I do invent a few to add extra effect. :P But yeahh!! from what you notice all around you- almost 9 out of 10 people might opt in for something as non-hazardous as texting the one you love- a message full of love shit- about how much you mean to them and how they would gladly take a bullet for you( phheww that's a relief!! after all that's what I've been dreading!! ). How about going in for something as proclaiming your love on the internet. You obviously can't be slapped if she plans to refuse. But the downfall is, if she accepts you can not obviously watch her go pink and blush!!

Girls I feel still prefer the age old 'going-down-on-the-knees' or writing lovey-dovey poetry for the girl of your dreams-after all it makes them feel extraordinarily special and unrealistic at the same time.I know some might think I'm being very primitive in thinking it's a guys job to propose. No, but I feel, somethings go down well with guys and somethings with girls. So we leave the 'proposing' to the guys and the 'blushing' to the girls!! :)

 Well for most- girls and boys- it's the first time they do so, so gather all your reserve guts kept at the back of the mind and put them to good use. GO ALL OUT!!! and confess your love with all the might in the world!!! :) Well, as Aerosmith puts it- "Falling in love, is so hard on the knees."

Monday 20 June 2011

wHaT iS iT WiD iiTiAnS?

What to do, if you have attained the highest laurel an engineering student can achieved? You got through the IIT entrance, more commonly known as IIT-JEE and slogged for 4 yrs to get an engineering degree from IIT- and most importantly lived to tell the tale. You are envied by all your peers and you are always mentioned at all family get togethers, so that your relatives get to flaunt you at any given possible moments. Even though their contribution in the achievement is insignificant.

Well the road ahead is not difficult at all- from what's been happening all around. An IITian does one of the three things.

  1. Gets into IIM and become an IIT as well as a IIM alumni- Goshh!! your parents are on top of the world and your relatives will invite you and your parents to all family functions.
  2. Open up a coaching center under your name, establish it and're playing in crores. You are given the noble task of preparing future IITians. All coaching center faculty is a IIT alumni- there is hardly any doubt about that.
  3. Well, the third one is a very recent one. Turn NOVELIST.

Have you not wondered that all IIT Alumni turn out writers? Even if it's a one book magic. Most stories are tragic love stories with or without happy endings. And most tend to revolve around their life at or around IIT. Books ranging from Five Point Someone to Anything For You Ma'am written by Chetan Bhagat and Tushar Raheja are great examples .

Well.. so it seems-IITians will never be out of job, not just purely on knowledge but they seem to have a very interesting time in their college life which can be turned into bestsellers. Whether its coping with academic stress or it's the ever complicated love life- it surely pays to be a IIT-Alumni :)

Monday 13 June 2011

wHaTs oN yOuR sHeLf??

Hey hi!!

Today I'm in a mood for sharing what is on my shelf today. I'm more of a fiction person, if you ask me. So books around me are basically fiction. I consider myself above the crappy world; who would like to read about the world who waits no more to give you shit at every given possibility. So its basically living life in your own sweet dreamland- imagining life, situations, conditions- just as the protagonist goes through. And thinking- how different would life be if you were in the character's place. So you feel what he/she goes through, cry with them, laugh at their stupidity. Its pretty much sorted- I am an easy girl to understand!! :)

So coming back to what more has my British Council Library to offer this time around. I practically live on my subscription to carry me through the dull break from college. So here it is- my collection for the coming weeks. it might be enough to carry  me through this week I guess.

The one I have started to read is LONDONSTANI by Gautam Malkani. And from whatever little I've read- isn't half bad. I'm pretty sure to pick up on a lot of cuss words, thanks to the novel. But I obviously keep mum, because of mum :)

Which brings me to another one that made to the shelf today- AZUR LIKE IT by Wendy Holden. It revolves around the life of a journalist who gets to cover CANNES!! wooohoo!! that must be something!!!

And coming to the last of what's in store for me in the coming weeks is- MORE TO LIFE THAN THIS by Carole Matthews. And I am sure this won't be a disappointing read because I'm sure there is more to life than we can actually see through. Its just a matter of figuring out.
So with this, its a wrap people!! Stay tuned and you might be surprised!! and yes it will be wonderful if i get to know what others are upto!! :)

ciao!! :)