Tuesday 26 April 2011

tHiNkInG bEyOnD tHe SeLf!!!!

all year long...i've been craving for a new phone....even though my phone is just an year old :P...the blackberrys n iphones all seem so appealing...
n yes....d all tym craving for clothes....girls never seem to hav enough...do they??? every month u need a new haircut....n specially if ur travelling by metro....THE ICONIC LADIES COMPARTMENT....how can u not keep track of the fashion...bitch abt girls wid awful hairdos....wierd dressing sense..fashion disasters...the last years...out of fashion..trends....which reminds me...of this wierd trend tat emerged last year in the monsoons....the monsoon slippers...made wid a strange plastic material....my humble request to one n all....they are...so last season...n were in vogue.bt why wear them NOW!!!!!
i've actually noticed...nearly 1/4th of the girls still wear them...n it is so bloody annoyingg!!!

anyways...as usual...i ramble a lot..n meddle wid quite a lot of subjects at once...so coming back to where we were....i read this amazing story on child prostitution...quite touching...n it made me think....the way we all crib about one thing or the other....the always met demands...the unconditional love of the parents....the doting siblings...n still we never seem to have enough...we're always crying about increasing  the pocket money...the psp...a new car...a new phone...how sick u are wid everything...mom when are we getting the lcd..??? i'm sick wid the old phone..did u know..my fren just bought a blackberry...n u just have a look at d features...i can make documents on d phone..dad its amazingg!!!....oh n yes...we must get d home wi-fied...its way more easy tat ways...dad...all my frens hav it...i totally need a laptop...i cant work on this dabba desktop...!!!

we hav 10000 demands for everyday....but hav u ever spared a thot for ur maid...d beggar at d metro station...about children picked up to work as sex workers...d world we are all so oblivious to....we are so engrossed in self....I want a laptop... I want a new phone.... I want new clothes ..we hardly care abt all these ppl...

when our demands are not met...we cry for all injustices our parents subject us to...bt the wishes of a child polishing shoes is to...earn enough to afford the meal for the day....the struggle everyday....things like food ..water.tat we all take for granted...does he even kno wat a lcd looks like...maybe not...
the education system we all curse...bt the child working at a roadside dhaaba...just wants to go to school....
the abuses we hurl at the roadside mawali for whistling while we walk past.....the sex workers deal with him n many more like him....subjected to their atrocities...more than half of them hav no idea why they are brought to a brothel...they are repeatedly raped by owners...to make them more "accessible"...the stress to satisfy clients...the threats from brothel owners...