Sunday 24 April 2011


i'm a brat...!!! some truly are....sum just say it coz it sounds way more cooler..!!!! half d ppl have dere fb's about me section filled with some crap like....hi!! name's xyz...i'm a total tomboy....hates romantic movies...into brat....u myt b one of those ppl....claiming ur virtual self as sum1 who u aren't...just for d simple reason for sounding 'cooler'. after all who wud like to b known as 'good natured' 'kind' 'humble' and 'aunty like'.

if u are 'auntie like'...chances are ppl myt bitch behind ur back...calling u all sorts of names....
half d girls on social networking sites put up profile pics...wid revealing tops...n wat look more 'hip' and following wat dey call is d race to b more watever guys have to say abt them....i hav no qualms calling them 'wanabeess'

afterall wat are u running tat sum random guy likes ur pic..n chances are u probably wud hav no idea....who he is...n wat vile..repulsive things go around in his mind....

y do ppl brag on d internet....i was watching lovenet on channel V...where dis wannabe fashion designer..dumb as hell....chatting to sum random loser guy...telling him abt...her profession...n tat she has designed for maliaka arora and deepika padukone....

why wud u lie abt who u wudnt kill u to tell....tat ur a budding fashion designer...i pity maliaka n deepika for having to bear wid her horrible designs...considering d clothes she herself was wearing....

internet does let u live a life u wudnot b able to live otherwise...hi m a model (a call center employee)....hi m an actress( an assistant to a boss..i wud readily murder)

u wish to grab eyeballs by talking to unknown ids all day long..bragging abt ur success....talking to ppl wid masked identities...who do not care a freaking penny of how big a name u are....

bt if we stand back and this a healthy it b 2 personalities....???? wat exactly is split personality syndrome...if not dis...don we all suffer from call centre employee...d assitant...

y cant we be just us...and stop taking part in d race to b more popular....n always remember...LIFE IS NOT A ROADIES AUDITION!!!!


  1. coolo.....nycie.....apt...
    to sum it all up...great.. :)

  2. I agree to u.. tht people r "virtually" differnt from wht they r actually.. but still they can't change there ownself to b a btr one..!! a jerk will a jerk.. & gud person will b a gud person..! no matter wht dre profile reads..!!

    U knw y people tend to lie on the i-net..! Cause it gives u them the opportunity to do so.. as it is almost impossible to verify...! then y nt b a btr person.. instead of being ur own "LOSSER" self..!
